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Demographic Form Questions


Can we organize members into categories other than stations?

Stations are most appropriate as safety climate is a group phenomenon and is influenced by the people you work with. On the demographic form, you will be asked to input the number of members assigned to each station, as well as the number of Administration and Training personnel and the number of members classified as rovers and floaters. If your department has specialized teams for uniformed personnel (i.e., lifeguards, airport, HAZMAT) that are not assigned to a specific station, you should create a station identifier for them (e.g., Lifeguards Team #1) and a unique station number that does not overlap with any of your department's existing stations (e.g., 999).

When taking the survey, members will have the option to select whether or not they are assigned to a station, are Administration/Training staff reporting to department HQ, or are floating/roving among stations. All members who are assigned to a station will be prompted to choose from the list of stations provided on your department demographic form at the end of the FOCUS survey. If your department has only one station, your members will be presented with that one station as an option for them to select.

Do I provide membership counts at each station by shift?

No—please provide the total number of uniformed members who work at that station across all shifts or platoons.

If you have additional questions, please contact the FIRST Center FOCUS Team at